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Welcome to the Blog!

Greetings you lovely reader,

I wanted to create another area (apart from Youtube and Instagram) that I can share tips, advice, adventures, and products I rate so welcome to the blog.

In case you are new here, I started cycling in 2014 while on a gap year in Australia. I bought my bike from the Giant store in Adelaide and absolutely fell in love with riding. Back then though I weighed just over 100kg and struggled to ride more than 20km.

But I stuck at it (even when being called fat and a mixture of other unpleasant names while riding). I took my time upping my distance, and eventually started climbing mountains. (I love hills, if the website name didn't give that away ha).

Fast forward to today I love endurance riding (610km is my furthest in a single ride) and also have started racing - as well as losing around 35kg. So I wanted this to be a place where you can come, learn more about bikes, the adventures I go on and also (hopefully) leave inspired to go on your own adventures.

Here are my before and after pics in case you are starting from a similar position.

If you have ANY questions at all head over to my

YouTube or my Instagram page and I look forward to chatting to you there.

This is the first post to get the blog going so head back soon and there will be to read.

Also, let me know the type of things you would like to read about on the blog - I want to make it as useful and helpful to you as possible.

Speak soon,

Katie x

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